李向军,男,生于1979年10月,博士,副教授。博士毕业于中国科学技术大学,曾任美国威廉玛丽大学访问学者,主要研究方向为图与组合网络理论。主持省部级科研项目3项,参与国家自然科学基金项目3项,发表学术论文近40篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI 收录论文20余篇。指导学生参加全国大学生数学建模竞赛获国家级一等奖2项、二等奖10项;指导学生参加美国大学生数学建模竞赛获M奖2项,H奖8项。
本科生课程:《数学建模》、《数学软件》、《运筹与优化》、《 概率论与数理统计》、《线性代数》
2. 指导大学生创新实践训练计划项目
[1] Si-Yu. Li, Xiang-Jun Li∗, Meijie Ma, Reliability assessment for k-ary n-cubes with faulty edges,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 190: 104886 (2024)
[2] Ying-Ze Zhao, Xiang-Jun Li∗, Jia-Sheng Li, Meijie Ma, Reliability of m-ary n-dimensional hypercubes under embedded restriction, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 349:182-189 (2024)
[3] Xiang-Jun Li∗, Xue-Qian Zeng, Jun-Ming Xu, Note on reliability evaluation of arrangement graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 418: 126845 (2022)
[4] Ling Chen, Xiang-Jun Li∗, Meijie Ma, Reliability assessment for modified bubble-sort networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 307: 88-94 (2022)
[5] Jia-Xiong Dan, Zhi-Bo Zhu, Xin-Kui Yang, Ru-Yi Li, Wei-Jie Zhao, Xiang-Jun Li∗,The signed edge-domatic number of nearly cubic graphs,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 44(1): 435-445 (2022)
[6] Rui Zhu, Xue-Qian Zeng, Xiang-Jun Li∗, Meijie Ma,Reliability of arrangement networks in terms of the h-restricted edge connectivity, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 170: 68-73 (2022)
[7] Chai Shu, Xiang-Jun Li∗, Meijie Ma,Note on reliability of star graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, 923: 366-375 (2022)
[8]Ying-Ze Zhao, Xiang-Jun Li∗, Meijie Ma,Embedded connectivity of some BC networks, Journal of Supercomputing, 78(14): 16605-16618 (2022)
[9] Xiang-Jun Li∗, Xue-Qian Zeng, Jun-Ming Xu,Generalized measures of fault tolerance for bubble sort networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 363: 124630 (2019)
[10] Xiang-Jun Li, Min Liu, Zheng Yan, Jun-Ming Xu,On conditional fault tolerance of hierarchical cubic networks, Theoretical Computer Science, 761: 1-6 (2019)
[11] Xiang-Jun Li, Yong-Ni Guan, Zheng Yan, Jun-Ming Xu,On fault tolerance of (n, k)-star networks, Theoretical Computer Science, 704: 82-86 (2017)
[12] Xiang-Jun Li, Bin Liu, Meijie Ma, Jun-Ming Xu,Many-to-many disjoint paths in hypercubes with faulty vertices, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 217 (2): 229-242 (2017)
[13] Xiang-Jun Li, Qi-Qi Dong, Zheng Yan, Jun-Ming Xu,Embedded connectivity of recursive networks, Theoretical Computer Science, 653: 79-86 (2016)
[14] Xiang-Jun Li, k-Connected graphs without K_4^-, Ars Combinatoria, 119:353-362 (2015)
[15] Xiang-Jun Li, Jun-Ming Xu,Fault-tolerance of (n,k)-star networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 248, 525-530 (2014)
[16] Xiang-Jun Li, Jun-Ming Xu,Generalized measures for fault tolerance of star networks, Networks, 63 (3):225-230 (2014)
[17] Xiang-Jun Li, Jun-Ming Xu, Edge-fault tolerance of hypercube-like networks, Information Processing Letters, 113 (19-21):760-763 (2013)
[18] Xiang-Jun Li, Jun-Ming Xu,Generalized measures of fault tolerance in exchanged hypercubes, Information Processing Letters, 113 (14-16):533-537 (2013)
[19] Xiang-Jun Li, Jun-Ming Xu,The signed edge-domatic number of a graph, Graphs and Combinatorics, 29 (6):1881-1890 (2013)
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