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来源:betway必威 发布日期:2022-02-21点击:


朱宽云,男,1989年10月出生,博士研究生,副教授。主要从事模糊逻辑、三支决策和粗糙集理论研究。2019年6月毕业于武汉大学数学与统计学院,同年7月入职betway必威。以第一作者(或通讯作者)公开发表SCI/EI论文50余篇,其中包含《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》、《Information Sciences》、《Soft Computing》、《Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems》、《Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing》以及《International Journal Machine Learning and Cybernetics》。尤其是近几年来以第一作者连续在SCI数学类一区Top期刊《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》(IF:3.9)上发表7篇论文。 论文“A novel soft rough fuzzy sets:Z-soft rough fuzzy ideals of hemirings and corresponding decision making”在Web of Science引用113次。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 12001062)和湖北省自然科学基金青年项目(No. 2020CFB368)各一项。2020年12月入选betway唯一官方网站第四批人才计划“菁英人才”系列。


1. 讲授的主要课程



2. 承担的实践性教学任务



1. 承担学术研究课题



2. 近5年代表性学术成果(“*”标识通讯作者)

[1] Yuqiong Luo, Kuanyun Zhu*, Characterizations for the cross-migrativity between overlap functions and commutative aggregation functions, Information Sciences, 622 (2023) 303-318.

[2] Kuanyun Zhu, Xiangxiang Zeng, Junsheng Qiao, On the cross-migrativity between uninorms and overlap (grouping) functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 451 (2022) 113-129.

[3]Kuanyun Zhu, Jingru Wang, Yongwei Yang, Migrative uninorms and nullnorms t-norms and  t-conorms, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 423 (2022) 74-88.

[4] Kuanyun Zhu, Jingru Wang, Yongwei Yang, Some new results on the migrativity of uninorms over overlap and grouping functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 427 (2022) 55-70.

[5] Kuanyun Zhu, Jingru Wang, Yongwei Yang, A short note on the migrativity properties of overlap functions over uninorms, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 414 (2021) 135-145.

[6] Kuanyun Zhu, Jingru Wang,Yongwei Yang, New results on the modularity condition for overlap and grouping functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 403 (2021) 139-147.

[7] Kuanyun Zhu, Jingru Wang, Yongwei Yang, A note on the modularity condition for overlap and grouping functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 408 (2021) 108-117.

[8] Kuanyun Zhu, Bao Qing Hu, Addendum to “On the migrativity of uninorms and nullnorms  over overlap and grouping functions” [Fuzzy Sets Syst. 346 (2018) 1-54], Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 386 (2020) 48-59.

[9] Kuanyun Zhu, Jingru Wang, Binghua Jiang, On distributive laws of overlap and grouping functions over uninorms, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 38 (4) (2020) 4441-4446.

[10] Kuanyun Zhu, Novel soft fuzzy rough rings (ideals) of rings and their application in decision  making, Soft Computing, 23 (9) (2019) 3167-3662.

[11] Kuanyun Zhu, Jingru Wang, Yongwei Yang, On two new classes of stabilizers in residuated lattices, Soft Computing, 23 (23) (2019) 12209-12219.






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