
讲座题目:Analysis of some free boundary problems for the growth of tumors




报告地点: betway唯一官方网站东校区8406

专家简介:刘单,上海财经大学副教授,硕士生导师,华东师范大学获博士学位,研究方向:偏微分方程。主持完成国家自科青年项目一项,主要成果发表在在《Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.》、《Nonlinear Anal.》、《Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations》等期刊。

摘要:To investigate the process of carcinogenesis in situ, we mainly focus on the stage of the DCIS, when the tumor starts to exhibit the feature of cancer. In this talk, some mathematical models of free boundary problems will be given first. Secondly, we will discuss the existence and uniqueness of the solutions in higher dimensional space and in the case of non-symmetry free boundary in 1-dimensional space.